K.C. Crum

Hello, my name is K.C. Crum and I am excited to be a “Wheel Estate” agent with RV Wheelator. For the past decade, RV Wheelator has been helping RV owners like you sell their well-kept motorhome, 5th wheel or travel trailer at no cost to the seller. We do this by actively showing your recreational vehicle on 200 plus internet sites – again, at no cost to you.

Sound interesting? Let me tell you more about myself, why I am thrilled to be a part of RV Wheelator and how the process works, OK?

I guess you could say that RV’ing is in my blood. You see, my father started an RV dealership in Tampa, Florida in the 1960’s. I started working with him when I was a young teenager. I have spent most of my time over the last 50+ years working in the RV industry as an RV tech, salesman, manager, and owner of RV stores. I love RV’s, and RV’ers, like I am sure you do.

The thing that excites me about RV Wheelator is that we are not a dealership or consignment lot who wants to buy your RV at wholesale and sell it at retail and make a big profit. No, we exist to help you as the private seller find the best private buyer at a fair price that maximizes your return. In fact, RV Wheelator can guarantee you, the seller, a buyer at your agreed upon price (no one else can do this).

To sum it up, we advertise your RV nationwide at no cost to you. That’s right, no more advertising costs for you to pay. The likely buyer contacts us and we pre-qualify them for the purchase of your RV. We introduce them to you and you close the sale at the agreed upon price.

Personally, I look forward to helping you and I will always act in a professional manner, with integrity and honesty. RV Wheelator looks forward to having you as one more of our many satisfied sellers.

You will find a form below to provide all of the information that is required for us to properly price your RV and get it listed.

[email protected]
(863) 860-8803

“Thank you for coming to RV Wheelator® We’re thrilled you’re here! Guaranteed most cash for your recreational vehicle. And We guarantee you a pre-qualified buyer at no cost to you…”


Deryle Jensen

How does this work? Click the Button to Find Out!

The Process

RV Wheelator® is a peer to peer marketing and sales concept that represents the ”For Sale By Owner” RV Market. We don’t charge you a dime. We represent you at absolutely no cost. Similar to Real Estate Agents, we are WheelEstate™ Agents. We advertise at our expense on over 200+ websites and on social media. Our listings are at an agreed price with you, the owner, and priced to sell. RV Wheelator guarantees you a buyer! We keep advertising until it sells. Give us a try, you have nothing to lose.

Use the form at the bottom of the page. Fill in all the information as completely as possible and tap the “Submit Application” button. We’ll contact you within 24–48 hours to firm up the exact particulars of your RV.

Have you previously attempted to advertise and sell your RV only to be harassed and called by tire kickers and consignment companies trying to get you to go with them at a wholesale price? Our professional services are here to assist you in advertising, marketing and ultimately selling your RV for a FAIR retail price. We field all the inquires and prequalify every potential buyer before communicating with you.

Similar to the real estate industry, RV Wheelator® advertises, markets and qualifies your buyer for you. The buyer pays a small commission included in the mutually agreed advertised price.

RV Wheelator®

Sell Your RV Form